I went shopping yesterday. On a Sunday. To Tesco. Taking along my cousin whose car is temporarily out of action. It's been a long while since I shopped on a Sunday. And I must admit that it felt a tad bizarre.
We weren't the only ones shopping. Indeed, there was quite a crowd in there. But after a decade of Sunday closing, it still felt strange. Almost sacrilegious. For a while at least. I soon got over it and came out with (another) bag full of treats. Nothing important. Just chocolate and bread and baked beans. More cheddar cheese, vegetarian sausages, Branston pickle. And one or two other treats that I haven't got used to having permanent access to just yet. I think I'm only eating at the moment for the sake of delighting in the memories. Fun. Just not so good for the thighs...
And certainly not so good following an afternoon sat in front of the rugby with my dad and beer. Although the afternoon was really good. Homely. Finished off with an Indian take-away. Huzzah!
Serious things are also going on though. I'm still spending hours applying for jobs. Hours. I won't go on again about how long it takes. Although I'd like to. Because it does. I've been back and forth to charity shops this week, getting rid of anything excess. I've advanced with a whole host of (more) paperwork that needs to be done now I'm back. And at home, my father has been helping out with odd jobs. That would be helping out by doing the jobs. While I observe. Just in case...
I've also started re-discovering my environment. Walking around town and countryside and seaside. Allowing the sea to revive my deepest soul and refresh my very being. Wondering how I could possibly have thought the area dull in my youth! I will share my rediscovery with you in future posts. With photographic evidence. To revive any souls out there that may be flagging. :0)
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